Ribbons, Appurtenances, & Devices


NSCC/NLCC Honor Ribbon

Awarded to a Sea Cadet or League Cadet who, through direct action, saves a human life at the risk of his/her own life.


NSCC/NLCC Distinguished Service Ribbon

Awarded to a Sea Cadet or League Cadet who distinguishes himself/herself by extraordinary heroism, but not to the degree justifying award of the NSCC/NLCC Honor Ribbon.

NSCC/NLCC Meritorious Recognition Ribbon

Awarded to a Sea Cadet or League Cadet who distinguishes himself/herself through exceptionally meritorious service to the USNSCC in a position of responsibility, such as:

  1. By humanitarian action; or
  2. Accomplishments which, though significant, do not warrant the Distinguished Service Ribbon but which do warrant higher recognition than the Commendation Ribbon.


NSCC/NLCC Commendation Ribbon

Awarded to a Sea Cadet or League Cadet who distinguishes himself/herself through superior service, at a level exceeding that of the Citation Ribbon, but of lesser degree than the Meritorious Recognition Ribbon:

  1. By performing specific project(s) or complex task(s) in a manner that greatly exceeds what is typically expected, considering the member’s grade or rate, training, and experience; or
  2. By a period of sustained service that warrants recognition of the individual’s achievements making significant contributions to the USNSCC, the unit, region or training contingent.

NSCC/NLCC Citation Ribbon

Awarded to a Sea Cadet or League Cadet for commendable service, based on sustained performance or specific achievement of a superlative nature. Qualifying service must clearly exceed that which is normally required or expected, considering the member’s grade or rate, training, and experience.

To be eligible for this award, a cadet must:

  1. Demonstrate the virtues of the USNSCC’s Core Values and Cadet Code of Conduct. Examples must be specifically described in the citation accompanying the recommendation, and may include:
    1. Consistently exceed minimum USNSCC attendance, advancement, and training requirements;
    2. Perform successfully in assigned leadership positions or other responsibilities within the unit or training contingent;
    3. Lead by example in areas such as personal appearance, respect for others, enthusiasm, character, and grit.
  2. Have been selected as:
    1. A Company or Division Honor Cadet of any Recruit or Advanced Training;
    2. The overall Honor Graduate of any Recruit or Advanced Training having 100 or more initial cadets, excluding staff cadets and staff. In this situation, the Ribbon will be worn with Large (5/16”) Gold Star; or
    3. His/her unit’s Sea Cadet of the Year or League Cadet of the Year—except that the cadet cannot receive both the Citation Ribbon and the Navy League Youth Medal for the same honor.


Navy League of the United States (NLUS) Youth Medal and Ribbon

Awarded to a Unit's Sea Cadet of the Year based upon the criteria established by the Navy League of the United States (NLUS).

NSCC/NLCC Community Service Ribbon

Awarded to a Sea Cadet, or League Cadet who performs 30 hours of community service work, accurately documented in Magellan.


International Exchange Program Ribbon

Awarded to a Sea Cadet who is selected for and successfully completes an authorized exchange as part of the International Exchange Program (IEP).

NSCC/NLCC Academic Achievement Ribbon

Awarded to a Sea Cadet or League Cadet who distinguishes himself/herself at school or accredited home school program meeting the following requirements:

  1. A cadet enrolled in an accredited school (including an accredited home school program) is eligible when he/she:
    1. Is officially declared on his/her school's Honor Roll for a semester or school year;
    2. Makes no grade below B;
    3. Is a full-time student at the school; and
    4. Provides his/her unit CO with a letter from the school verifying the Honor Roll status.
    5. (Similar requirements apply to Home School Programs, see awards manual.)


NSCC/NLCC Drug Reduction Service Ribbon

Awarded to a Sea Cadet or League Cadet who displays outstanding leadership by example in the community as a drug-free role model, and who meets one of the following requirements:

  1. Attends four (4) prescribed substance abuse, anti-drug awareness lectures given by local law enforcement; State Police; Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE); Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD); or trained military personnel in the area of substance abuse and anti-drug awareness counselling. The lectures can be four (4) one-hour or eight (8) thirty-minute lectures;
  2. Performs one (1) one-hour or two (2) thirty-minute substance abuse, anti-drug awareness lecture(s) to a school, civic, church, youth group, or other community-based audience; or
  3. Successfully provides substance abuse and anti-drug awareness to the community, school, church, or other youth-related organizations by way of newspaper articles, radio or television, social media, displays, or participation with other youth organizations.

Office of Naval Research (ONR) Science Achievement Ribbon

Awarded to Sea Cadets who competed in certain regional or national STEM competitions. No further awards of this Ribbon are authorized; however, any cadets who have already received authorization to wear this Ribbon may continue to do so.


NSCC/NLCC STEM Achievement Ribbon

Awarded to a Sea Cadet or League Cadet who participates in a regional or national science, robotics, drone, or other STEM competition, and who receives a placement award or other special award.

NSCC/NLCC Recruiting Incentive Ribbon

Awarded to a Sea Cadet, or League Cadet who Recruits an officer, midshipman, instructor, Sea Cadet, League Cadet, or two (2) auxiliarists into any unit.


NSCC/NLCC Executive Director’s Unit Citation

Awarded to a Sea Cadet, or League Cadet who is a member of a unit which:

  1. On or after January 1, 2022, is awarded the:
    1. John J. Bergen Trophy;
    2. Morgan L. Fitch Trophy;
    3. George S. Halas Trophy; or
  2. On or after January 1, 2022, is recognized by National Headquarters as one of the Top Ten Sea Cadet units or Top Five League Cadet training ships in the nation; or
  3. Distinguishes itself by exceptionally meritorious service to the USNSCC, its Region or Area, or the community in a manner that clearly exceeds the criteria necessary to justify award of the Unit Commendation.

Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Outstanding Cadet Medal

Awarded to a Sea Cadet or League Cadet who has distinguished himself/herself through outstanding leadership, honor, service, courage, and patriotism.


Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) Good Citizenship Medal

Awarded to a Sea Cadet or League Cadet in the rate of Petty Officer Second Class or above, who meets the following requirements:

  1. Maintains good standing scholastically at the time of selection and presentation;
  2. Demonstrates a high degree of merit with respect to leadership qualities, military bearing, and excellence in the performance of duties; and
  3. Has the potential for greater leadership responsibilities.

Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Naval Sea Cadet Medal

Awarded to a Sea Cadet serving in the rate of Petty Officer Third Class or above, who meets the following requirements:

  1. Be in good standing academically;
  2. Progressing satisfactorily in the Sea Cadet program;
  3. Is a member of the unit’s Color Guard or Drill Team or has been awarded the Color Guard Ribbon;
  4. Demonstrated outstanding achievement in:
    1. Community Service; and
    2. NSCC Naval Education (required Polaris Advancement Courses);
  5. Demonstrated outstanding leadership in the NSCC;
  6. Must be of high moral character;
  7. Displays outstanding military bearing and conduct both in and out of uniform;
  8. Actively promotes patriotism and Americanism; and
  9. Demonstrates growth potential (assumes higher levels of responsibility).


NSCC/NLCC Unit Commendation Ribbon

Awarded to Sea Cadets or League Cadets who, as a group of either fifteen (15) or more, or 80% of unit enrollees, meet one of the following requirements:

  1. Acts which render the unit outstanding compared to other units performing similar service. Normal duty, by itself, does not justify this award;
  2. Participate in at least two community events that bring great credit upon the USNSCC;
  3. Participate in humanitarian actions; or
  4. Be recognized as the Honor Division cadets of a NSCC Recruit Training or NLCC Orientation.

NSCC/NLCC Physical Fitness Ribbon

Awarded to a Sea Cadet, or League Cadet who meets the following requirements:

  1. A cadet who meets or exceeds the “Good” standard on the Physical Readiness Test (PRT) is eligible to wear the Physical Fitness Ribbon.
  2. A cadet who meets or exceeds the “Excellent” standard on the PRT is eligible to wear the Physical Fitness Ribbon with silver “E” appurtenance.


NSCC Staff Cadet Ribbon

Awarded to a Sea Cadet who successfully serves as a staff cadet for a nationally-approved NSCC Recruit Training, Advanced Training, or NLCC Orientation.

NSCC/NLCC Color Guard Ribbon

Awarded to a Sea Cadet or League Cadet who, as a member of a color guard, exhibition drill team, or ceremonial rifle squad, meets the following requirements:

  1. Performs as a member of the team for at least six (6) months;
  2. Performs in at least five (5) evolutions at a public event;
  3. Is smart and neat in appearance, and wears the uniform with pride; and
  4. Always acts in the highest traditions of the USNSCC.


NSCC/NLCC Prior Service Ribbon

Awarded to an officer, midshipman, instructor, or Sea Cadet who meets the following requirements:

  1. Performs as a member of the team for at least six (6) months;
  2. Performs in at least five (5) evolutions at a public event;
  3. Is smart and neat in appearance, and wears the uniform with pride; and
  4. Always acts in the highest traditions of the USNSCC.

NSCC/NLCC Marksmanship Ribbon

Awarded to a Sea Cadet, or League Cadet who meets the following requirements:

  1. Qualifies on either a pistol or rifle according to the USNSCC Marksmanship Program training standards which are in effect on the date of qualification.
    1. A member who qualifies as “Expert” according to the range’s standards will wear this Ribbon with “E” appurtenance.
    2. A member who qualifies as “Sharpshooter” according to the range’s standards will wear this Ribbon with “S” appurtenance.
    3. A member who earns an “E” or “S” on a pistol and also earns an “E” or “S” on a rifle may wear both appurtenances.


International Naval Review (INR)/OpSail Ribbon

Awarded to a Sea Cadet, or League Cadet who participates in any large civic maritime event, such as International Naval Review, OpSail, or similar events.

USNSCC 25th/50th Anniversary Ribbon

Awarded to an officer, midshipman, instructor, Sea Cadet, or League Cadet who was enrolled in the USNSCC on the date of its 25th Anniversary (September 10,1987) or its 50th Anniversary (September 10, 2012).

  1. Personnel who attended the 25th anniversary ceremonies in Washington, D.C., on August 15, 1987, will wear this Ribbon with Large (5/16”) Silver Star appurtenance.
  2. Personnel who attended the 50th anniversary ceremonies in Washington, D.C., on September 29, 2012 or in San Diego, California, on October 6, 2012, will wear this Ribbon with Large (5/16”) Gold Star appurtenance.


25th Year Commissioned Ribbon

Awarded to a Sea Cadet, or League Cadet who meets the following requirements:

  1. Has been enrolled in a unit that National Headquarters recognizes as being commissioned for at least twenty-five (25) continuous years;
      If the unit has been commissioned for at least fifty (50) continuous years, this Ribbon will be worn with Large (5/16”) Silver Star appurtenance; and
  2. Has been a member of that unit for at least one (1) year.

USCG Bicentennial Unit Commendation Ribbon

Awarded to a Sea Cadet, or League Cadet who served at least one day with the Coast Guard during the period 6 June 1989 through 4 August 1990. U.S. Coast Guard personnel (active duty, reserve, or retired) who are active volunteers will wear this Ribbon in accordance with USCG instructions.


NSCC/NLCC First Year Service Ribbon

Awarded to a Sea Cadet, or League Cadet who completes the following periods of service as a member in good standing upon completion of 90 days of service.

NSCC/NLCC Second Year Service Ribbon

Awarded to a Sea Cadet, or League Cadet who completes the following periods of service as a member in good standing upon completion of 1 year of service.


NSCC/NLCC Third Year Service Ribbon

Awarded to a Sea Cadet, or League Cadet who completes the following periods of service as a member in good standing upon completion of 2 years of service.

NSCC/NLCC Fourth Year Service Ribbon

Awarded to a Sea Cadet, or League Cadet who completes the following periods of service as a member in good standing upon completion of 3 years of service.


NSCC/NLCC Fifth Year Service Ribbon

Awarded to a Sea Cadet, or League Cadet who completes the following periods of service as a member in good standing upon completion of 4 years of service.

  1. Additional years of service will be recognized using the appurtenance star system, up to a maximum of 25 years.


Aircraft - Gold

Awarded to NSCC/NLCC Cadets for satisfactory completion of aviation - oriented advanced training programs.


Anchor - Gold

Awarded to NSCC/NLCC Cadets for satisfactory completion of seamanship - oriented advanced training.

Boot - Bronze

Awarded to a League Cadet who has successfully completed NLCC Basic Orientation (LB) or Sea Cadet who has successfully completed a NSCC Recruit Training (RT).


Boot - Gold

Awarded to a League Cadet who is the recipient of the NLUS Youth Award as the unit “NLCC Cadet of the Year” and is affixed to the NLUS Youth Ribbon. Both the ribbon and the gold boot transfer to the NSCC.

Caduceus - Silver

Awarded to NSCC/NLCC Cadets for satisfactory completion of Hospital Corpsman or Medical Training at a Navy or other military or civilian medical facility.


Compass Rose - Silver

Awarded to NSCC/NLCC Cadets who attend a career or professional - oriented advanced training program. For Cadets who have earned the NSCC/NLCC Color Guard Ribbon, and have completed Ceremonial Honor Guard Advanced Training will wear the Compass Rose appurtenance on the Color Guard Ribbon.

DEA Device - Silver

Affixed to the center of the Drug Reduction Service Ribbon to signify giving four or more CDF presentations.


Hammer - Bronze

Awarded to NSCC/NLCC Cadets for satisfactory completion of construction - orientated advanced training programs.

Lyre - Gold

Awarded to NSCC/NLCC Cadets for satisfactory completion of advanced training at a DoD School of Music or Band (Basic Band/Music, Advanced Band/Music.


MAA Shield - Gold

Awarded to NSCC/NLCC Cadets for satisfactory completion of justice - oriented advanced training program (Maritime Interdiction, NLCC Master-At-Arms and Police Sciences Training, Hazardous Materials, JAG/Legal, Police/Master-At-Arms, Search and Rescue, Homeland Security, Naval Intelligence.

Maple Leaf - Gold

Awarded to Officers, Midshipmen, Instructors or NSCC/NLCC Cadets for satisfactory completion of the U.S./Canada Sea Cadet Exchange Program. The Maple Leaf is affixed to the NSCC/NLCC Citation Ribbon.


Propeller - Gold

Awarded to Officers, Midshipmen, Instructors, and NSCC/NLCC Cadets for satisfactory completion of the Coast Guard Safe Boating Program or other safe boating course approved by National Headquarters.

Submarine - Gold

Awarded to NSCC/NLCC Cadets for satisfactory completion of a submarine seminar / orientation program.


Torch - Bronze

Awarded to NSCC/NLCC Cadets for satisfactory completion of a leadership training - orientated advanced training programs:

  1. NLCC Leadership Academy;
  2. NLCC Fitness and Lifestyle;
  3. NLCC SEAL Orientation and Challenge Training;
  4. Medical Fitness/Fitness Lifestyle Training; or
  5. Junior Professional Development (ND), Petty Officer Leadership Academy (POLA), or Leadership, Other as designated by NHQ , SEAL Orientation/Challenge.

Trident - Bronze

Awarded to NSCC/NLCC Cadets for satisfactory completion of underwater - oriented advanced training programs (Scuba Certification, Advanced, Scuba Certification, Basic, EOD/Diving Operations, Underwater Research, or Dive, Other as placed in this training code by NHQ.


USCG Shield - Silver

Awarded to NSCC/NLCC Cadets for satisfactory completion of basic and/or advanced training with the US Coast Guard (NLCC Coast Guard Training, Coast Guard shipboard/cutter operations, Coast Guard, Locally Arranged Trainings, Coast Guard Shore/Boat Station, or Coast Guard, Other as placed in this training code by NHQ.

"A" Attendance - Bronze

Awarded to Officers, Midshipmen, Instructors, NSCC/NLCC Cadets who maintain perfect attendance at 100% of all mandatory drill, without a single absence (except when attending authorized USNSCC training), during a calendar year. Worn on the appropriate Service Ribbon.


"E" Excellence - Gold

Awarded to all Officers, Midshipmen, Instructors, NSCC/NLCC Cadets attached to a unit or training ship which received a Certificate of Honor on its Annual Inspection. Individuals must have been attached to the unit during the year of the inspection for which the award was earned, worn on the Service Ribbon.

"E" Expert - Silver

Awarded as follows:

  • Affixed to the NSCC/NLCC Marksmanship Ribbon when awarded to Officers, Midshipmen, Instructors, and NSCC/NLCC Cadets who qualify as expert with pistol and/or rifle.
  • Affixed to the NSCC/NLCC Physical Fitness Ribbon when awarded to NSCC Officers, Midshipmen, Instructors, and NSCC/NLCC Cadets who qualify at the Excellent Physical Fitness Level.
  • Affixed to the NSCC/NLCC STEM Achievement Ribbon when awarded to Sea Cadets or League Cadets serve as a member of a Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics (STEM) team that placed first place in a national STEM competition.


"R" Recruiter - Silver

Awarded to NSCC/NLCC Cadets for satisfactory completion of advanced training in a Navy or Coast Guard Recruiting Office or Station.

"S" STEM - Bronze

Awarded to NSCC/NLCC Cadets for satisfactory completion of approved advanced training in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) – oriented advanced training programs, including but not limited to:

  • Participation in locally arranged SeaPerch training approved by NHQ for training credit towards advancement, as well as nationally advertised SeaPerch training establishes qualification.
  • Participation as a team member of a team registered for CyberPatriot competition establishes qualification.


"S" Sharpshooter - Silver

Affixed to the NSCC/NLCC Marksmanship Ribbon when awarded to an Officer, Midshipman, Instructor, or NSCC/NLCC Cadet who qualifies as sharpshooter with pistol and/or rifle.

Large (5/16") Gold Star

Awarded as follows:

  • Affixed to the Executive Director’s Unit Citation Ribbon when awarded to a NSCC/NLCC Cadet who is enrolled in a unit which was awarded the John J. Bergen Trophy, the Morgan L. Finch Trophy, or the George S. Halas Trophy. Only those enrolled in the unit for at least six months during the annual inspection period for which the trophy was awarded are eligible.
  • Affixed to the NSCC/NLCC Citation Ribbon when awarded to the Honor Graduate of a large school having 100 or more initial cadets (excluding staff cadets and staff) such as an RT (e.g., the Battalion Honor Graduate).
  • Affixed to the NSCC/NLCC Prior Service Ribbon when awarded to a Sea Cadet Chief Petty Officer who becomes a volunteer.
  • Affixed to the NSCC 25th/50th Anniversary Ribbon when awarded to a member who attended the 50th Anniversary ceremonies in Washington, DC, on 29 September 2012 or San Diego, CA, on 06 October 2012, respectively while actively serving in the USNSCC on that date. Only one award may be earned regardless of the number of events attended.


Large (5/16") Silver Star

Awarded as follows:

  • Affixed to the NSCC 25th/50th Anniversary Ribbon for those NSCC/NLCC Cadets who attended the ceremonies in Washington, DC, on 15 August 1987.
  • Affixed to the NLUS Youth Medal and accompanying Ribbon when awarded to a Sea Cadets as his/her unit’s Sea Cadet of the Year.

Small (3/16") Bronze Star

Awarded as follows:

  • Denotes subsequent awards of certain ribbons in conjunction with silver stars.
  • On the Fifth Service Ribbon, denotes 6th year enrollment as a NSCC Cadet.


Small (3/16") Silver Star

Denotes five (5) additional awards and multiples thereof.

Second and subsequent awards of ribbons are to be indicated by affixing the following appurtenances:

  • 2nd Award - one (1) Small (3/16”) Bronze star
  • 3rd Award - two (2) Small (3/16”) Bronze stars
  • 4th Award - three (3) Small (3/16”) Bronze Stars
  • 5th Award - four (4) Small (3/16”) Bronze Stars
  • 6th Award - one (1) Small (3/16”) Silver Star replaces the four (4) previous Bronze Stars
  • 7th Award - one (1) Small (3/16”) Silver Star and one (1) Small (3/16”) Bronze Star, etc.

The following appurtenances affixed to the 5th Service Ribbon indicate additional years of enrollment:

  • 6th Year - one (1) Small (3/16”) Bronze Star
  • 7th Year - two (2) Small (3/16”) Bronze Stars
  • 8th Year - three (3) Small (3/16”) Bronze Stars
  • 9th Year - four (4) Small (3/16”) Bronze Stars
  • 10th Year - one (1) Small (3/16”) Silver Star
  • See awards manual for further applications.

Qualification Devices

Bronze Wings

To recognize Sea Cadets who have completed an FAA sanctioned course authorized by NHQ, as follows:

  1. Successfully complete an FAA Ground School course, and pass the FAA Aviation exam. (If the FAA Ground School is not conducted by the USNSCC, the school must have been pre-authorized for device credit by the member’s cognizant NHQ Representative); or
  2. Successfully complete an NHQ-approved drone training, and pass the FAA Drone Exam.


Silver Wings

To recognize Sea Cadets who have completed an FAA sanctioned course authorized by NHQ, as follows:

  1. Successfully pass the Federal Aviation Exam given at completion of the NSCC FAA Ground School Course; and
  2. Successfully Solo flight in accordance with FAA requirements; and
  3. Provide certification/validated documentation of the above requirements including passing of the FAA exam, flight logbooks and certificate indicating completion of Solo flight to USNSCC NHQ. NHQ will provide the silver wings.

Gold Wings

To recognize Sea Cadets who have completed an FAA sanctioned course authorized by NHQ, as follows:

  1. Earn a private pilot license; and
  2. Provide certified documentation (logbooks and license) of passing all requirements for private pilot's license to USNSCC NHQ. NHQ will provide the gold wings.


USNSCC Naval Special Warfare (SEAL) Device

The USNSCC has authorized a device developed by the UDT-SEAL Association in conjunction with the Naval Special Warfare Command, which is awarded to the USNSCC cadet for his successful completion of the current approved NSW (SEAL) Orientation Course, commencing 2001 and thereafter, offered at National Headquarters approved locations. The following policy and procedures are applicable:

  1. The SEAL curriculum developed by the UDT-SEAL Association and Naval Special Warfare Association must be completed to qualify a cadet for the device.
  2. No modifications to the qualifying course are authorized unless agreed and approved by USNSCC NHQ. Cadets completing a course not approved by USNSCC NHQ are not eligible for the device.
  3. NHQ will maintain the master database for the device. Awarding of the device will be by the SEAL Training COTC only.
  4. Copies, reproductions, variations, etc., of the device are not authorized for wear under any circumstances. Recipients will contact NHQ for instructions regarding replacement in the event of loss, theft, or damage.
  5. USNSCC Staff cadets, officers, instructors, or midshipmen acting as either COTC or in the foregoing named positions are not eligible for the award.
  6. Former cadets earning this badge may NOT wear it once transferring to midshipman, instructor or officer status.
  7. “SEAL Challenge” training does NOT qualify for this device.

USNSCC Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Device

The USNSCC has authorized a device developed by the Explosive Ordnance Disposal/Mobile Diving and Salvage Unit (EOD/MDSU) Group Norfolk, VA, for awarding to a cadet who completes the current approved Navy EOD/MDSU Course. The following procedures are applicable:

  1. The EOD/MDSU Group, Norfolk, VA, maintains the qualifying courses for awarding of the device to cadets.
  2. No substitutions or changes of the course are authorized unless agreed to by EOD/MDSU Group Norfolk, VA, and the COTC. Cadets not completing the approved course are not eligible for the award.
  3. The COTC is the approval authority for awarding of the device. USNSCC NHQ will maintain the master database of eligible cadets.
  4. Copies, reproductions, variations of the device are not authorized under any circumstances. Recipients may contact via the Chain of Command to NHQ for instructions regarding replacement in the event of loss, theft, or damage.
  5. USNSCC Staff cadets, officers, instructors, or midshipmen involved with the instruction of the course are not eligible for the award. Only cadets attending the course are eligible.
  6. Former cadets earning this badge may NOT wear it once transferring to midshipmen, instructor or officer status.


USNSCC Special Warfare Combat-Craft Crewman (SWCC) Device

The USNSCC has approved a device developed by the UDT-SEAL Association in conjunction with the Special Warfare Command which is awarded to the NSCC cadet for his successful completion of the current approved SWCC Orientation course commencing 2001 and thereafter, offered at NHQ approved locations. The following procedures are applicable:

  1. The SWCC curriculum developed by the UDT-SEAL Association and Naval Special Warfare Command must be completed to qualify a cadet for the device.
  2. No modifications to the qualifying course are authorized unless agreed and approved by the USNSCC. Cadets completing a course not approved by NHQ, NSCC are not eligible for the device.
  3. NHQ will maintain the master database for the device. Awarding of the device will only be by the SWCC Training COTC.
  4. Copies, reproductions, variations of the device are not authorized for wear under any circumstances. Recipients will contact NHQ for instructions regarding replacement in the event of loss, theft, or damage.
  5. USNSCC Staff cadets, officers, instructors, or midshipmen acting as either COTC or in the foregoing named positions are not eligible for the device.
  6. Former cadets earning this badge may NOT wear it once transferring to midshipman, instructor or officer status.