I am proud to be a U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps Volunteer. I serve to instill our nation’s youth with patriotism, courage, and self-reliance, and to inspire them to become leaders of character. I will represent these values both to my cadets and my fellow volunteers. Accordingly:
I will be a law-abiding citizen. I have been honest and forthright in completing my Volunteer Application. I acknowledge a continuing duty to disclose any arrests or court appearances as a defendant in a criminal matter.
I will follow the letter and the spirit of this Code of Conduct at all times. I will hold my shipmates accountable – and they will hold me accountable – for doing the same.
I will strictly enforce the USNSCC’s “zero tolerance” policy for drugs, alcohol, gang membership, hazing, sexual harassment, and fraternization.
I will set an example of a drug-free lifestyle for my cadets, and will not consume, nor promote the use of, illegal or legal recreational drugs at any time. I will not possess, consume, or distribute any controlled substances in violation of the laws of the United States, my jurisdiction, or USNSCC policy.
I will not cheat, lie, steal, or deceive another person.
I will fulfill my duty as a leader even when it is difficult or unpopular, and I will always place the good of my cadets and the USNSCC above my own personal interests.
I will not promote political causes in my capacity as a USNSCC volunteer.
I will safeguard all USNSCC property and any official funds that are placed into my custody. I will promptly disclose any financial or business conflicts of interest to my chain of command. I will never use my affiliation with the USNSCC for personal gain.
If authorized to wear the USNSCC uniform, I will do so with pride and professionalism at all times. I will carefully follow all uniform regulations, particularly those related to grooming and height-weight standards, and will display a proper military bearing that brings credit to the USNSCC and the Navy.
I will foster an inclusive command climate. I recognize that each of my shipmates – cadets and fellow volunteers – is a valued member of the U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps team.
I will never cause or permit a cadet to be deprived of his or her dignity, nor cause or permit a cadet to suffer any undue breach of privacy. I will never cause or permit a cadet to be deprived of food, clothing, shelter, sleep, or medical care.
I will never subject any person to discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, color, religion, disability, or national origin.
I will never allow a cadet to be exposed to alcohol, recreational drugs, pornography, or violent behavior. I will limit my use of tobacco products while at USNSCC activities and will keep any such use out of the view of cadets.
I will never use my position of authority to intimidate, demean, humiliate, dominate, coerce, or hurt another person mentally, emotionally, or physically. I will immediately intervene to stop any others who do. I will not heed or spread gossip.
I will limit any physical contact with a cadet to the minimum necessary to correct that cadet’s position or uniform, or to accomplish authorized training objectives.
When it becomes necessary to discipline a cadet, I will do so in a fair, even-handed manner. I will counsel or instruct the cadet on how to correct the deficiency in private, whenever possible. I will never subject any person to physical training for the express or implied purpose of punishment.
I will not engage in any sexual conduct or engage in conversations of a sexual nature at USNSCC activities. I will not make lewd or sexual comments, request sexual favors from anyone, nor engage in any words or conduct that could be perceived as sexual harassment.
If a cadet wishes to discuss topics involving his or her sexuality with me, I will refer that cadet to his or her parents/guardian, medical provider, or school counselor.
I will respect and follow my chain of command.
I will use any lawful means necessary to prevent or stop the abuse or neglect of a cadet. If I know or reasonably suspect that a cadet is being abused or neglected, I will immediately report the same to local law enforcement and my chain of command. I am legally and morally obligated to be a Mandated Reporter; there are no “bystanders” to illegal or improper conduct.
I will work to create a military environment that is based on the customs, courtesies, and traditions of the Navy and Coast Guard. I will challenge my cadets both mentally and physically. I will carefully plan, and minimize the risk of, all training activities.
I will ensure that at least two volunteers always maintain “eyes on” supervision of any cadet or group of cadets. I will immediately call for a safety stand-down when I observe any safety violation or situation that places cadets at risk of injury.
I will maintain appropriate boundaries at all times. My proper role is as a leader and mentor to my cadets, not a friend. I will not permit any undue relationship, nor even the mere appearance of such, to develop between me and a cadet.
I will avoid any private, one-on-one interaction with a cadet unless that cadet’s parent/guardian or another volunteer is present. I will include at least one other volunteer on any email I send to a cadet. Except for my own children and blood relatives, I will not privately communicate with, or “friend” or “follow” a cadet on social media websites.
When transporting cadets, I will drive safely, ensure that my vehicle is in sound mechanical working condition, and follow all motor vehicle laws of my jurisdiction.
I will not consume alcohol for a minimum of eight hours before engaging in any USNSCC activity. I will not give my cadets any reason to believe that my use of alcohol outside of USNSCC activities is anything but moderate and discreet.
I will promptly and successfully complete all required training related to cadet safety and youth protection.