Sea Cadet Knowledge

Core Values





Code of Conduct


Put others before self.

Participate with enthusiasm.

Meet or exceed all advancement requirements.

Wear my uniform with pride.

Follow our Navy’s customs and courtesies.

Know the rules and follow them.

Do the right thing, even when it’s not popular.

Stay away from alcohol, drugs, and gangs.

Perform each task with maximum effort.

Earn the trust of my superiors and the respect of my subordinates.

Strive to become a leader of character.

Treat others with dignity and respect.

Stand up against bullying, hazing, harassment, discrimination, gossip, and all other forms of prohibited conduct.

Sea Cadet Oath

I promise to serve faithfully,

honor our flag,

abide by U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps Regulations,

and carry out the orders of the officers appointed over me,

and so conduct myself as to be a credit to myself,

my unit,

the Naval Sea Cadet Corps,

the Navy,

the Coast Guard,

and my country.

Anchors Away

Stand Navy out to sea,

Fight our battle cry

We'll never change our course,

So vicious foe steer shy-y-y-y.

Roll out the TNT,

Anchors Aweigh.

Sail on to victory

And sink their bones to Davy Jones, hooray!

Anchors Aweigh, my boys,

Anchors Aweigh.

Farewell to foreign shores,

We sail at break of day-ay-ay-ay.

Through our last night ashore,

Drink to the foam,

Until we meet once more.

Here's wishing you a happy voyage home.

Blue of the mighty deep

Gold of God's great sun.

Let these our colors be

Till all of time be done, done, done, done.

On seven seas we learn

Navy's stern call

Faith, courage, service true,

With honor, over honor, over all.

Phonetic Alphabet

"A" - Alfa

"B" - Bravo

"C" - Charlie

"D" - Delta

"E" - Echo

"F" - Foxtrot

"G" - Golf

"H" - Hotel

"I" - India

"J" - Juliett

"K" - Kilo

"L" - Lima

"M" - Mike

"N" - November

"O" - Oscar

"P" - Papa

"Q" - Quebec

"R" - Romeo

"S" - Sierra

"T" - Tango

"U" - Uniform

"V" - Victor

"W" - Whiskey

"X" - X-ray

"Y" - Yankee

"Z" - Zulu